► USB relay ► LPT relays ► RS485 relays
FTDI drivers: - http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
Microsoft .NET Framework: - http://www.microsoft.com
USB Relay softwares: - WinExplorer.zip - Abacom_proflabexpert_one_channel_relay.zip - Command_relay_control.zip - USB_relay_software.zip - USB_RS485 relay_software.zip - USB_relay_source_code.zip
LPT Relay softwares: - LPT_tester.zip - LPTctrl.zip - LPTctrl_code.zip
USB EEprom programmers: 24xxx EEprom programmer: - KEEProg_24xxx_03c.zip 25xxx EEprom programmer: - KEEProg_25xxx_03c.zip
Simplified E-Eprom programmer for PIC 16F84 and 24Cxxx: - NTPicprog.zip
SerialAVR programmer: - AvrOspII_547.zip- AvrProg.zip
Getting started PIC16F84A kit (scheme, software, HEX file):- PIC16F84_Kit.zip
Manuals:- USB Relays Software exsamples - Eight Channel USB Relay Controller - RS232 Serial controlled - 12V - USB Relay Controller - One Channel - RS232 Serial COM controlled Eight Channel Relay Board - 12V - RS232 serial 8 Digital Channel Output Modul - USB to serial UART FTDI interface Board - Getting started PIC16F84A kit
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